
Name:Beston Age:16+ Likes:LOLalot,Laffing,FOOD!!,Tennis,Friends Dislikes:Sadness,Homework,Teachers(most of them),nags,backstabbers Goal: Make everyone smile =) and get to UNI


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Zhang Xiang

Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 4:36 AM
My song to hanyi.

hope he dont kill me.

1:16 AM

Woots, 1 round around the track is 1min and 56 seconds. (achievement). yes its not extrodinary but it is the best soo far. one step at a time. mr ser damn good in phyco ppl. he say the track on lane 1 and lane 2 added up total is 2 meters, he wanted us to jump across, to practise for standing broad jump. we tried our hardest, some of them like weizhi jump across it and extra 1 quarter. for me i only jumped 1 and 3/4 of the lane. feeling all down and such, then mr ser gave us a suggestion. he wants us to visualise the 2nd lane more like imagine the second lane coming towards you. and try to jump after that. alot of people DID make it, but i still jumped at the same spot. ~argh~ getting pissed at this shit. until mr ser told us something shocking. the 2 lanes infact were not 2 meters wide, it was around 2.5 meters.WTF EVERYBODY WENT OMFG OMFG OMFG espcially subash. subash was like I CAN JUMP MORE THAN 2 METRES I CAN JUMP...(The jumper) .but i wasent listening to him, i was also going nuts saying I CAN JUMP AROUND 2 METRES (not sure if it is at 2metres or lesser.) mr ser than said ' it is the numbers that slow u down on the board. look further and u can see that nothing is impossible' wow. that is a hell of a guy.
after p.e it was chemistry. wah, reach the class sweating like mad. had tennis after p.e. u can put the blame on weizhi. adapted from my fone: 'Beston ar, bring your racket 2morrow. we playing tennis' we = weizhi + subash.
i kinda getting bored of tennis, no its not the im-gonna-leave-tennis-for-good-because-federer-loss-to-gregorvich. its because i need time to study, i see weizhi and subash like crazy over tennis. it is rather sad, alex was right, tennis is gonna make me become a cr (continuous repeatee) aint gonna happen.
okies have to go study for a math test and a gp test
ohh yar gonna be on radio this friday on 938Live from 9~11 (i tink). getting nervous =x.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009, 5:23 AM
loled at this vid


give me 10 peso i folo for u LOL. sommore the suside part damn funny

wa this building ar? cannot lar ze ge colour bu hao ar, wo zen me zhuang sin tiao.
je ge building ye bu ke yi ar, wo lao bei zai ze li zuo gong de leh. LOL

and this 1.. i cant belive i watched it. 1st problem is fked up, literally it is fked up.
if they want to die, atleast die in peace, and not in disgrace....
2nd. i tink this is how PAP lose its votes LOLLOL

3:12 AM

Whoops, sorry i did not post anything yesterday. too tired to get to the computer, darn... tennis too sapped all my energy away. and dang captain is really good, i cant even win him one point.. it really tells me where i am standing, wayyyy lowwww belowwww. damnnnn. have to train during the june holidays :D. anywayz 2day was funny, hanyi VISITED us 3 times in a period span of like.. omfg... like... 5 mins 0.o it creeped the hell outta us, on the 3rd visit, he started to tell us a joke, about indians. racist bastard (ironic, coming out from me) . Yes, me and subash acted childish 2day. its child instinct to see who has the biggest and strongest arm, apperently a mouse caught us doing it and everybody started laffing, dang i was embarassed....but i still won. weizhi was trying to act mature by laffing with the crowd PHAIL.
fun day :D, sadly the days coming ahead are all filled with dread, test test test homework and more test. 2 test and 1 homework AINT THAT ALOT.
gotta start studing, i see myself on the computer always (now). must get into a uni damn it, and i still cant belive deshi lives in ntu, wtf.. mr andrews said if u were to throw a stone in ntu u most probably hit a foreigner LOL. another racist bas.. erm racist dude.
ohh yar i started trying out a new online game 2moons by acclaim. awesome game AWESOME GRAPHICS AWESOME SPELLS. fked up gameplay =.= i just dont find the fun in the game. preety confusing but i still like the private servers. rating 7/10. really the graphics is awesome. smoky screen, shakes the screen when using a skill, spells also have people chanting it, (odd when u play it at night).
and i found a awesome phrase which im gonna put if i have a dota clan, 'No mercy for the weak, No pity for the dying, No tears for the slain...' uber frase, gonna start using it xD


Sunday, April 19, 2009, 8:22 AM
LOL found this btw

7:37 AM
1st Post

Decided to start dedicating myself to blogging. Well.. still lost in hell. At home mother scold. In the car, father scold. At school teacher scold. At grandparents home Auntie scold. In my dreams.. i scold myself.. for being scolded. WTF....
Damn sian. pri 1 friends alot in RJC and VJC. parents no face to show soo i tio scolding lor. They cant see that all i need is some freaking encouragement. alittle also can. I SMALL LITTLE THANK YOU ALSO CAN. but nooooo.... soo wad for study. thats what happen when i was primary 3. chinese 1st fail.. wtf kena scolded then thrown out of house. after that. i hate chinese liao. if there was like a ''good try, try again'' maybe i will start practising. now in MI, see others chinese soo geng. then i start. by the time too late liao. Hiyaz... i just hate studying. can lie down and stare at the sky and do nothing, i happy liao.i see everybody in the world are soo rush.. they dont just STOP and look around. to enjoy the time. everybody in singapore are soo rush. i feel as though im the only one appreciating doing nothing. the power of nothing. the greatness of nothingness .
guess the rjc and vjc dont get to rest much. i hate that lifestyle.
it was funny 2day. i called raymond, asking him want to play Warcraft 3. he said ok. then there was a 1sec pause. a creepy one second pause. then both of us at the same time said the same thing, syncronised. ''Where Shafiq'' LOL.
pretty creepy yet somehow funny. odd 0.0;;
had some fun in wolfteam. ''i like this little pistol. its soo small and cute............ pew pew'' LOL .
after mec became a basic gun. things went smooth. wolfs being blasted. the usual, except linus wasent there. D:
such a waste both of us were like the OMFGRUNBITCHES brothers. bestfriend since 3 but then seperated this year =.= fking MI. meeting again in UNI!! WOO. till then bro.
back to warcraft.
i called linus asking him if he want to play dota. then suddenly weizhi called me. i decided that we all shuld play. soo raymond cre8 rm weizhi was in there and soo was i. but linus could not get in. i started questioning and thinking and then it came out like.. like .. like that. BOOM! . linus warcraft not updated LOL. i passed him the file thru msn. and at the same time i played vampirism speed. awesome game but sucks with alittle ppl. vampires seemed to be at the advantage until. humans get their defence up.
it is fun but we remake the room like 5 times. ''sorry raymond D:'' T_T;; 1st timer at vamp speed.
soo we went to white td. fked up game. no nid win one. was interuppted by my mother. lecturing me for not studying. after that here i am typing out my sorrows . i tink the blog shall be my destress ball. only instead of squeezing, its typing. lul.
well hope to meet linus soon.
hope to get 3 A''s for promo 1
hope to lose my laziness
hope to finish assignment 3
hope to sleep asap
hope to be found =)
